#140confMTL May 15, 2012

Call for Speakers #140confMTL May 15, 2012

am pleased to announce that the International “State of Now” Conference a.k.a #140conf is coming to Montreal May 15th, 2012. We have opened our call for speakers!
Please share this with your networks. We are looking forward to an exciting international event joining both the French and English population together at #140conf Montreal!
Opening of the Event registration via Eventbrite will follow shortly, please stay tuned.
As paraphrased from Jeff Pulver, founder and curator of the #140co / “State of Now” events worldwide:

The conference will be taking a look at the continued effects of the emerging real-time Internet on business, and systemic changes the worldwide adoption of the real-time web is having on a wide variety of industries, markets and people.
Our hope is to attract a diverse worldwide gathering of passionate people who will come to Montreal to connect with others and to share their perspective, their experiences and their stories about how the emerging real-time Internet is effecting their industry sectors and the people inside them.
We are looking for creative, out-of-the-box thinkers to come forward and pitch something relevant. The key to being selected to speak at #140conf is to submit a speaking proposal which shares your passion for a topic and how it has been touched by the real-time web.
We are looking for first-hand accounts of the impact of the real-time Internet is having across industry sectors. Our goal is to bring together a curated group of characters to both lead and contribute to the discussions.
The take-aways from this event will provide the attending delegates knowledge, perspectives and insights to the next wave of effects social media will have on business.
Think about what YOU could contribute to the dialog, and who you may know who would be interested in being part of this event. We would appreciate your help in spreading awareness of the conference to the people who you are connected with on your social networks.
The conference will be held at the Excentris, 3536 Boul. St-Laurent, Montréal. If you are interested in speaking at: #140confMTL May 15th 2012, please submit your speaking proposal here.
