Montreal, September 7, 2011 — Alliance Mobilité, an Alliance numérique Sector Committee, is proud to confirm that several international players of the mobile industry will be attending this very first edition of Mobiz, presented by the Canada Media Fund. Mobiz, Quebec Mobile Congress, is a new event dedicated to mobility, which aims to foster the outreach and discovery of the most recent technology, as well as best business practices. The event will take place on October 31st, at the Hilton Montréal Bonaventure hotel, as part of MTL DGTL.

Big names of the mobile world coming to Montreal!

·         Eric Morris, Head of Mobile Advertising, Google Canada
·         Gladstone Grant, Vice-President, Platforms and Developers Group, Microsoft Canada
·         Philippe Lozier, Director of Convergence, Samsung Canada
·         Niels Helkov, Vice-President, e-health & M2M Americas, Orange

“Mobiz provides a unique opportunity to get a feel for a booming industry through current topics such as mobile marketing, mobile wallet, convergence, cloud computing, emerging trends and, of course, market research,” highlights Martin Dufresne, Director of the event.
Mobiz is already expecting a number of companies from across Quebec and Canada that are active in the mobile industry: Rogers, Transcontinental Interactive, Mirego, Canadian Tire, Yellow Pages Group, WhereCloud, DH International, Wavefront and Soluteo have all confirmed their support.

“We are very proud of this first edition which brings together players of the international and local arenas, and will be featuring business cases that will address both current issues and future avenues for the mobility world,” adds Mister Dufresne.
View our program at
Mobiz Awards

The day will end with Mobiz Awards, which provide an opportunity for five clever companies of the mobile industry, as well as five startups, to increase their visibility within the industry. For five minutes, seasoned developers and Montreal emerging professionals will have a chance to present their innovative mobility projects to Mobiz attendees. Registration ends September 15. Learn more
Early Bird Rate

Take advantage of a 30% discount on the regular price by registering online before September 16.

Social Networks
Join Alliance Mobilité on Facebook and Twitter (@amobilite), by using the hashtag #mobiz, so you won’t miss upcoming updates regarding the event.

MTL DGTL (Montréal Digital), presented by the Canada Media Fund, is a new festival dedicated to the interactive digital content industry and includes programs from Mobiz, Web-In, Consortium en innovation numérique du Québec (CINQ) Innovation Symposium and Montreal International Game Summit over three consecutive days on October 31st, November 1st and 2nd, 2011.

MTL DGTL strives to unify professionals of the digital industry at the provincial, national and international levels, through conferences which foster meetings, networking and sharing. All festival activities are organized by Alliance numérique, the business network of the new media and interactive digital content industry in Quebec.

About the Canada Media Fund

The Canada Media Fund (CMF) champions the creation of successful, innovative, Canadian content and software applications for current and emerging digital platforms through financial support and industry research. Created by Canada’s cable and satellite distributors and the Government of Canada, the CMF aspires to connect Canadians to our creative expressions, to each other, and to the world: www.cmf‐
